My First Photo Contest

Um…well…it’s been a while since I’ve posted.  No excuse really, just haven’t gotten off my butt to type an entry.

One of my best friends came down to visit over the past weekend.  To most, that’s no big deal, except that Crystal and I have been planning trips to see each other for years, and something has happened EVERY TIME to keep us from getting together.  It’s like the Universe didn’t want to allow us in the same place at the same time for some insane reason.  Well…screw you, Universe!  We beat you this time!  The proof:

Crystal and Strider


On another topic, Little Balkan’s Days was going on in Pittsburg the same weekend Crystal visited.  One of the events happening was the Photo Contest.  Now, Mom was after me for YEARS to enter some of my photos in contests (for that matter, so was Aunt Judy), and I never really got around to it.  Partly because I was a bit lazy about it, and partly because I didn’t want to pay any entry fees.  Well, the LBD Photo Contest was free to enter, so I thought what the hell?  Why not?

So…here are the five photos I entered:

Tiger Buddha Taking Offerings of Dasani KOAM's Shorter Tower Switcher


And that photo that took First Place in the Animal category…

The Grumpy GorillaI am so thrilled!  My first contest, and one of my pictures won!!!  I think Mom would be so proud!!  I took this one when we went to the Sedgwick County Zoo a few years back for Mother’s Day.  Dad and I took Mom, and Chris and the kids took Steph and Carol.  It was such a fun day, and mom really had a blast.  I’m so glad one of the pictures I took with Mom won.


Did you ever get the feeling that if it wasn’t for a 3 inch thick pane of reinforced glass, you’d be lunch?

I did.

These pictures were taken at the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita the day before I moved to Pittsburg.  The new Tiger exhibit had recently opened, and my mom and I were really wanting to see it.  I graduated from FHSU, and am proud to be a Tiger.  Mom and I both love them.  A whole huge group of us went.  Mom, Dad, and me, Amanda, Steph’s family, and two of the most well behaved toddlers to ever toddle this planet.  We all had a really good time.

And my personal favorite…

And I’m rather fond of this one.